
Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety

General industry workplace hazards range from medical facilities, factories, residential, retail and commercial establishments but excludes construction, maritime, mines and energy. OSHA requires employers to provide safe and healthy work environments that are free from recognized hazards. During her tenure as a Compliance Safety & Health Officer, the founder Ms. Branch, noted that far too many small businesses she inspected were unaware of OSHA requirements, for those that were aware they found compliance to be complex and unfeasible. Pyramid Solutions aims to educate business owners about safety and health regulations and empower them with the knowledge of how to successfully implement safe practices. This is achieved by providing site walkthroughs to evaluate hazards, create plans to control the existing or potential hazards and work collaboratively with workers and the employers to prevent negative outcomes by creating written safety programs and safety committees. We also provide orientation and other required trainings including hazard communication/GHS, confined space, respirator use, bloodborne pathogens and infection control, etc. As part of the evaluation process we are equipped to perform bulk, area and personal monitoring to determine exposures hazards to various chemical and environmental contaminants.



Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Safety Audit

Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort among workers or among the citizens of the community.” In both construction and general industry, workers are exposed to many chemical, biological, physical and ergonomic hazards as they work. Industrial hygiene inspections are thorough, as they focus on anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling hazards. In other words, an industrial hygiene inspection involves analyzing, and measuring hazards that are identified. 


Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Safety Capabilities

  • Biological hazards assessment

  • Bloodborne pathogens evaluation

  • Compliance assistance

  • Hazard controls (engineering, work practice and/or administrative)

  • Inadequate supervision

  • Shortcuts/Unsafe work practices

  • Loss workday assessment

  • Hazard communication program evaluations

  • Ergonomic assessment

  • Chemical exposure monitoring (hazardous gases, vapors, fumes or particulates)

  • Personal protective equipment evaluation

  • Respiratory protection program compliance

  • Noise and other physical hazards monitoring

  • Fire safety and flammable chemical storage



Safety Consulting Team

Ms. Branch possess both the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) designations. Both credentials are highly recognized for its strict eligibility requirements, challenging testing process and industry credibility. Masters level EHS studies at Hunter College Urban Public Health Schools also provided great technical experience as well as strong education on the impact of various chemicals on the body of those exposed.
The firm also has qualified safety professionals with CSP credentials, and years of experience in a variety of industries. The firm possess EPA Lead certification and NYS DOL Asbestos Handler Certifications. 



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